Genetic analysis at IAMC-CNR of Messina to determine microbial population associated whit plastic samples collected in Antarctica.

Work at IAMC-CNR of Messina, plate Petri inoculated with bacteria isolated from plastic samples collected in Antarctica.  

Elisa Bergami at work aboard of the Royan Research Ship "James Clark Ross" during an oceanograhic cruise organized by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) in Cambridge( UK)

Some moments of activity during the oceanographic cruise aboard the Royan Research Ship "James Clark Ross" off the coast of Antarctica.

Some moments of activity of PhD Student Elisa Bergami in the oceanographic cruise aboard the Royan Research Ship "James Clark Ross" off the coast of Antarctica near the island South Georgia between 52 ° and 55 ° parallel host of the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge (UK) .

Suggestive pic of a penguin whit near a fragment of contaminant plastic